
Principali attività di ricerca del Laboratorio di Psicologia Clinica
  • Medicina psicosomatica
  • Processi di somatizzazione
  • Fattori psicologici correlati alle malattie mediche
  • Fattori psicologici correlati alle patologie del dolore
  • Fattori psicologici dell’alimentazione
  • Psicofisiologia della percezione corporea
  • Alessitimia
  • Assessment di personalità
  • Rorschach Comprehensive System
  • Maltrattamento infantile
  • Disturbo da Gioco d’Azzardo
  • Comportamenti autolesivi e rischio suicidario
  • Identità di genere e sviluppo psico-sessuale
  • Sessuologia clinica e forense
  • Effetti psicologici della pandemia da COVID-19
Pubblicazioni recenti liberamente scaricabili

Sexual Fantasies and Stereotypical Gender Roles: The Influence of Sexual Orientation, Gender and Social Pressure in a Sample of Italian Young-Adults

Childhood maltreatment, personality vulnerability profiles, and borderline personality disorder symptoms in adolescents

Alexithymia and metabolic syndrome: the mediating role of binge eating

What is the “weight” of body mass index on sexual functioning in women? A mediation model

Alexithymia and Somatization in Chronic Pain Patients: A Sequential Mediation Model

Positive Psychological Factors Are Associated With Better Spiritual Well-Being and Lower Distress in Individuals With Skin Diseases

Psychosomatic syndromes and symptom severity in chronic psoriasis

Parenting-Related Exhaustion During the Italian COVID-19 Lockdown

Individual Differences, Economic Stability, and Fear of Contagion as Risk Factors for PTSD Symptoms in the COVID-19 Emergency

Data on the effects of COVID-19 pandemic on people's expectations about their future

How Personality Relates to Distress in Parents during the Covid-19 Lockdown: The Mediating Role of Child’s Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties and the Moderating Effect of Living with Other People

The COVID-19 lockdown and psychological distress among Italian parents: Influence of parental role, parent personality, and child difficulties

Age-related differences in the perception of COVID-19 emergency during the Italian outbreak

The COVID-19 Outbreak and Psychological Distress in Healthcare Workers: The Role of Personality Traits, Attachment Styles, and Sociodemographic Factors

The Effect of Parent Psychological Distress on Child Hyperactivity/Inattention During the COVID-19 Lockdown: Testing the Mediation of Parent Verbal Hostility and Child Emotional Symptoms

Influence of the COVID-19 Outbreak on Disease Activity and Quality of Life in Inflammatory Bowel Disease Patients

Fragile heroes. The psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on health-care workers in Italy

Burnout Status of Italian Healthcare Workers during the First COVID-19 Pandemic Peak Period

Fear, anxiety and health-related consequences after the covid-19 epidemic

The Psychological Impact of COVID-19 in Italy: Worry Leads to Protective Behavior, but at the Cost of Anxiety