Pubblicazioni rappresentative
- Fairfield B., Mammarella N., Fontanella L., Sarra A., D’Aurora M., Stuppia L., Gatta V. (2019). Aging and the Combined effects of ADRA2B and CB1 deletions on Affective Working Memory. Scientific Reports (in press).
- Palumbo, R., Mammarella, N., Di Domenico, A., & Fairfield, B. (2018). When and where in aging: the role of music on source monitoring. Aging clinical and experimental research, 30, 669-676.
- Fairfield, B., Mammarella, N., Franzago, M., Di Domenico, A., Stuppia, L., & Gatta, V. (2018). A variant on promoter of the cannabinoid receptor 1 gene (CNR1) moderates the effect of valence on working memory. Memory, 26(2), 260-268.
- Mammarella, N., Fairfield, B., Di Domenico, A., D’Onofrio, L., Stuppia, L., & Gatta, V. (2017). The modulating role of ADRA2B in emotional working memory: Attending the negative but remembering the positive. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, Volume 130, 2016, pp. 129-134.
- Fairfield, B., Mammarella, N., Di Domenico, A., D’Aurora, M., L., Stuppia, L., & Gatta, V. (2017). A variant on promoter of the cannabinoid receptor 1 gene (CNR1) moderates the effect of valence on working memory. Memory.
- Fairfield, B., Di Domenico, A., Serricchio, S., Borella, E., & Mammarella, N. (2017). Emotional prosody effects on verbal memory in older and younger adults. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition. Pp. 408-417
- Mammarella, N., Di Domenico, A., Palumbo, R., & Fairfield, B. (2017). Self-generation and positivity effects following transcranial random noise stimulation in medial prefrontal cortex: A reality monitoring task in older adults. Cortex, 91, 186-196.
- Cantarella, A., Borella, E., Carretti, B., Kliegel, M., Mammarella, N., Fairfield, B., & De Beni, R. (2017). The influence of training task stimuli on transfer effects of working memory training in aging. Psychologie Française.
- Mammarella, N. (2017). Commentary: Emotion effects on implicit and explicit musical memory in normal aging. Frontiers in psychology, 8, 2208.
- Fairfield, B., Colangelo, M., Mammarella, N., Di Domenico, A., & Cornoldi, C. (2017). Affective false memories in Dementia of Alzheimer's Type. Psychiatry research, 249, 9-15.
- Fairfield, B., Ambrosini, E., Mammarella, N., & Montefinese, M. (2017). Affective Norms for Italian Words in Older Adults: Age Differences in Ratings of Valence, Arousal and Dominance. PloS one, 12(1), e0169472.
- Fairfield, B., Domenico, A. D., & Marini, A. (2017). The Immediate Positive “Size” of Negative Emotions: Are Older Adults Less Prone to Visual Illusions. J Psychol Brain Stud, 1, 2.
- Mammarella, N., Di Domenico, A., Palumbo, R., & Fairfield, B. (2016). When Green Is Positive and Red Is Negative: Aging and the Influence of Color on Emotional Memories. Psychology and aging.
- Di Domenico, A., Palumbo, R., Fairfield, B., & Mammarella, N. (2016). Fighting apathy in Alzheimer's Dementia: a brief emotional-based intervention. Psychiatry Research.
- Mammarella, N., Di Domenico, A., Palumbo, R., & Fairfield, B. (2016). Noradrenergic modulation of emotional memory in aging. Ageing research reviews, 27, 61-66.
- Mammarella, N., Fairfield, B., Di Domenico, A., D'Onofrio, L., Stuppia, L., Gatta, V. (2016). The modulating role of ADRA2B in emotional working memory: Attending the negative but remembering the positive. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, 130, pp. 129-134. DOI: 10.1016/j.nlm.2016.02.009.
- Altamura, M., Padalino, F.A., Stella, E., Balzotti, A., Bellomo, A., Palumbo, R., Di Domenico, A., Mammarella, N., Fairfield, B. (2016). Facial Emotion Recognition in Bipolar Disorder and Healthy Aging. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Article in Press. DOI: 10.1097/NMD.0000000000000453.
- Di Domenico, A., Palumbo, R., Mammarella, N., Fairfield, B. (2015). Aging and emotional expressions: Is there a positivity bias during dynamic emotion recognition? Frontiers in Psychology, 6 (AUG), art. no. 1130, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01130.
- Fairfield, B., Mammarella, N., Di Domenico, A., Palumbo, R. (2015). Running with emotion: When affective content hampers working memory performance. International Journal of Psychology, 50 (2), pp. 161-164. DOI: 10.1002/ijop.12101.
- Fairfield, B., Mammarella, N., Di Domenico, A. (2015). Motivated goal pursuit and working memory: Are there age-related differences? Motivation and Emotion, 39 (2), pp. 201-215. DOI: 10.1007/s11031-014-9428-z.
- Mammarella, N., Fairfield, B., Di Domenico, A. (2015). Commentary: Spacing as the friend of both memory and induction in young and older adults. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 7, pp. 1-1. DOI: 10.3389/fnagi.2015.00226.
- Mammarella, N., Fairfield, B. (2014). Emotional working memory and Alzheimer's disease. International Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, art. no. 207698, DOI: 10.1155/2014/207698.
- Montefinese, M., Ambrosini, E., Fairfield, B., Mammarella, N. (2014). The adaptation of the Affective Norms for English Words (ANEW) for Italian. Behavior Research Methods, 46 (3), pp. 887-903. DOI: 10.3758/s13428-013-0405-3.
- Mammarella N., Fairfield B., Frisullo E., Di Domenico A. (2014). Does emotion modulate the efficacy of spaced learning in recognition memory? Cogent Psychology, 2014, 1: 986922.
- Montefinese, M., Ambrosini, E., Fairfield, B., Mammarella, N. (2014). Semantic significance: A new measure of feature salience. Memory and Cognition, 42 (3), pp. 355-369. DOI: 10.3758/s13421-013-0365-y.
- Mammarella, N., Fairfield, B., Frisullo, E., & Domenico, A. D. (2013). Saying it with a natural child's voice! When affective auditory manipulations increase working memory in aging. Aging & mental health, 17(7), 853-862.
- Mammarella N., Fairfield B., Di Domenico A., Borella E., Carretti B. (2013). Is working memory affective in dementia of alzheimer’s type? Neuroscience Discovery, 1(4), 1-4.
- Mammarella, N., Borella, E., Carretti, B., Leonardi, G., & Fairfield, B. (2013). Examining an emotion enhancement effect in working memory: Evidence from age-related differences. Neuropsychological rehabilitation, 23(3), 416-428.
- Mammarella, N., & Fairfield, B. (2013). Where Did I Put My Keys?-A ‘We' Intervention to Promote Memory in Healthy Older Adults: A Controlled Pilot Study. Gerontology, 59(4), 349-354.
- Mammarella N., Fairfield B., Di Domenico A., Di Fiore T. (2013). "Baby on board": Reducing risk taking in adult drivers in a simulated driving game. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 50, 596-599.
- Fairfield, B., Mammarella, N., Di Domenico, A. (2013). Centenarians’ “Holy” Memory: Is Being Positive Enough? Journal of Genetic Psychology.
- Mammarella N., Fairfield B., De Leonardis V., Carretti B., Borella E., Frisullo E., Di Domenico A. (2012). Is there an affective working memory deficit in patients with chronic schizophrenia? Schizophrenia Research, 138(1), 99-101.
- Mammarella N, Fairfield B, Di Domenico A. (2012). When touch matters: An affective tactile intervention for older adults. Geriatr Gerontol.