EEH Characterizing Topics

Seismotectonics and Seismogenesis for seismic hazard assessment

Research and teaching activities concerns geology and physics of earthquakes, seismotectonics and seismogenesis.

The study will be performed at a local and regional scale, in Italy and elsewhere in the world, with the aim to study and to define the 3D geometry, kinematics and dynamics of selected active faults systems, from the source to the surface. The relationships between tectonic structures and instrumental to pre-historic earthquakes will be deeply analysed from the geological, archaeological, and seismological side for a better understanding  and modelling of  the complex processes  controlling active faulting and earthquake mechanics. The research will be afforded in a long-term geologic perspective, considering the earthquakes as instantaneous deformation of longer term deformation histories. Territorial applications in the form of seismic hazard analysis will  be afforded.

Basic disciplines are Structural Geology, Geomorphology, Solid Earth Geophysics, Seismology and Archeology.

Contact: prof. Giusy Lavecchia,

Geoarchaeology and archaeoseismology for cultural heritage risk and for seismic hazard

Research and teaching activities concerns the analysis of different and several risks which can be both attested in antiquity and studied through different sources, such as archaeological, historical, geo-archaeological  and archaeometric, as well as concerning risks that today my affect the Cultural Heritage, and therefore dealing with a diagnostic  approach, applied both on landscape and monumental scale.

The PhD students are directly involved in field research and excavations, both in Italy and in International Missions, in order to improve the theoretical approach with field work. During the activities an inter-disciplinary view will be emphasized, looking at territorial contexts and sites in different ways and using also different methodologies and technologies, from the 3D modeling, to the geo-prospecting, from the archaeometric analysis to the diagnostic mapping, from the historical study of a context, to the micro-analysis to reconstruct its palaeo-environmental  asset. Archaeo-seismologic issues will be part of the courses, and together with the historical research from the sources, also the archaeological stratigraphic contexts attesting seismic event will be analyzed, in order to reconstruct periods, intensities, meaning and main damages caused by catastrophic events of the past. Moreover, also the seismologic risk for the monuments and for the cultural heritage will be a topic of research.

Contact: prof. Oliva Menozzi,

Endogenous and anthropogenic hazards for risk mitigation

Research and teaching activities concern the analysis of the role of anthropogenic and natural emissions on the degradation of water and air quality.

Multi-disciplinary analytical investigations will be carried out to assess the impacts of the atmospheric, soil and water composition changes on climate, ecosystems and well-being. Crustal gas emission associated with earthquake activity will be also analyzed. The exchanges processes among air, soil and ocean are other key topics for a global picture of the environmental hazard.

Basic disciplines are Physics of the Earth and Atmosphere, Geochemistry/Petrology and Plant Ecosystems.

Contact: prof. Francesco

Psycho-sociological analysis of hazard perception and risk communication

Research and teaching activities concern psycho-sociological analysis of risk perception and communication, with a focus on earthquakes and environmental disasters.

The analysis will be performed looking at the individual cognitive process and at the social representations of the different physical process; risk-related health and well-being in complex contexts will be also addressed. The full psycho-sociologic understanding of a system, community or society exposed to natural hazards cannot be achieved without the deep interaction between the psychologists and the scientists who study the specific physical phenomena. Such an interaction is one of the EEH strength and it is aimed to the building of successful risk mitigation and adaptation strategies.

Contact: prof. Nicola Mammarella,