Sezione di Geologia Planetaria - Eventi e Novità

XIV Congresso Nazionale di Scienze Planetarie, Bormio, 5-9 Febbraio 2018
PhD and two postdoc positions to work with the data to be collected starting from next spring with the instruments onboard the Trace Gas Orbiter spacecraft of ESA/IKI's ExoMars2016 mission, in the fields of geosciences (hydrothermal processes, volcanism, mineralogy, tectonics, thermal properties of rocks) and/or atmospheric sciences (atmosphere circulation modelling). The descriptions are here:
as well as in the attached files. The deadline for applying is December 10, 2017, auditions will be held in January and the contracts will start on March 1st.
Contact: Dr. Daniele Mege, Space Research Center, Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw email:
L’Universita’ di Copiapo (regione di Atacama, Cile) offre 2 posizioni a tempo indeterminato per ricercatori di scienze planetarie (astronomi con conoscenze di geologia, o viceversa). I posti sono disponibili immediatamente ed il salario mensile si aggira sui 3200 euro netti, piú incentivi per le pubblicazioni.
I Requisiti minimi richiesti sono: dottorato da almeno 3 anni e una produttivitá in termini di articoli di almeno 1 per ogni anno dopo il dottorato.
Chi fosse interessato può contattare:
Prof Mauro BARBIERI Ph.D.
Director INCT - Instituto de astroNomía y Ciencias planetarias de aTacama
Universidad De Atacama, calle Copayapu 485, Copiapó, Atacama, Chile
phone: Chile [landline] +56 5 2225 5938 , [mobile] +56 9 9611 6590
phone: Italy [mobile] +39 333 527 1183
Skype: maueo2
INCT webpage:

Planetary Geology
Editors: Rossi, Angelo Pio, van Gasselt, Stephan (Eds.)
Un testo multidisciplinare di geologia planetaria, dai metodi ai processi geologici, ideale per la didattica.
Methods and Tools
- Introduction - Angelo Pio Rossi, Stephan van Gasselt
- Geologic Tools - Monica Pondrelli, Victor R. Baker, Ernst Hauber
- Exploration Tools - Stephan van Gasselt, Angelo Pio Rossi, Damien Loizeau, Mario d’Amore
- Cartography Tools - Trent M. Hare, James A. Skinner, Randolph L. Kirk
- Ground Truth - Angelo Pio Rossi, Stephan van Gasselt
Processes and Sources
- Meteorites - Ansgar Greshake, Joerg Fritz
- Impact Cratering -Thomas Kenkmann, Gerwin Wulf
- Endogenic Processes - Ernst Hauber, Daniel Mège, Thomas Platz, Petr Broz̆
- Surface Processes - Nicolas Mangold
- Interiors and Atmospheres - Doris Breuer, Nicola Tosi
Integration and Geological Syntheses
- The Terrestrial Planets - Angelo Pio Rossi, Stephan van Gasselt, Harald Hiesinger
- Icy and Rocky–Icy Satellites - Roland Wagner, Katrin Stephan, Nico Schmedemann
- Small Bodies and Dwarf Planets - Nico Schmedemann, Matteo Massironi, Roland Wagner, Katrin Stephan
- Astrobiology, the Emergence of Life, and Planetary Exploration - Barbara Cavalazzi, Mihaela Glamoclija, André Brack, Frances Westall, Roberto Orosei, Sherry L. Cady
- Space and Planetary Resources - Angel Abbud-Madrid